Welcome to ASSETS

The African Startups and SMEs in Export & Trade Secretariat is to create a vibrant and dynamic ecosystem that empowers African startups and SMEs to fully realize their potential in international trade.

Our vision is one of collaboration, partnership, and shared success.

Welcome to ASSETS

Our vision is one of collaboration, partnership, and shared success. We believe that by working together, African startups and SMEs can achieve great things, and that the future of African trade is bright. We are committed to building a sustainable and inclusive economy that benefits all Africans, and we believe that our work at The African Startups and SMEs in Export & Trade Secretariat is an essential part of this mission.

We believe that by fostering a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship, and by providing the tools and resources necessary for success, we can help create a new era of economic growth and prosperity in Africa.

african startups & smes in export & trade summit – assets

We believe that by organizing this summit, we can create a platform for African startups and SMEs to engage in discussions, learn from experts, and collaborate on strategies to take advantage of the AFCFTA opportunity.

AFCFTA Business Challenge

This is a competition designed to identify and support innovative and sustainable business ideas that leverage the AFCFTA to create economic and social impact.

ASSETS Online Series

ASSETS is a platform dedicated to connecting businesses across the African continent, providing a space where entrepreneurs can learn, network, and receive support. Our goal is to help businesses of all sizes and sectors succeed in the African market by providing access to resources, knowledge, and a community of like-minded individuals.


Recent updates blog posts


MSME DAY Webinar

MSMEs have the potential to reach global levels; however, there are certain impediments that often stand in their way. Join us as we address these challenges head-on and explore strategies

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AU Day Webinar

We are thrilled to extend this invitation to you for our upcoming AU Day Webinar on the theme “Mobilizing for Africa’s Prosperity through the AfCFTA.” As we embark on this

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Executive Certificate in Export and Import (EXIM)

The Executive Certificate in Export and Import (EXIM) is a specialized training program designed to provide entrepreneurs, business professionals, and individuals involved in international trade with the knowledge, skills, and

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